Saturday, 16 July 2011

Fake RoB hack video warning. COMEBACK FEATURE #2: NPC & other updates

This is a warning to all Reign Of Blood players, there is a video going around about a hack to get extra points. It's fake. The download link to "get it", is a virus. I did a scan on the file which says "get it now", it's nasty. Check the general forum for a further explanation.

Moving on... you thought there was 1 comeback feature? There's 2!

NPC Werewolf Arena
Got some extra turns you don't want to train or explore the underground with? Awesome, you can now visit the NPC werewolf arena and fight some imprisoned werewolves (Yeah we've been hiding these from you.) Werewolf blood has never tasted as good as regular blood, but it's still a nice bit of extra blood you can get. By using the NPC arena you earn "NPC Skill", which, similar to Spring Valley, just increases your chance for bonus blood. (Effective only rank 10+ NPCs)

It works a bit like the new pet system, when a NPC werewolf is attacked and killed, it needs 60 seconds (subject to change) to regenerate to be attackable again. There are several wolves added in each rank, but you can 100 npc attack credits every day. This may or may not change, ways to earn more may come soon too. NPC blood does not count towards your daily blood drained.

Promo codes
I'm getting a LOT of questions about promo codes not working. Downtime promo codes last for 24 hours after the downtime actually happens. It's to reward people who were on at the time of the downtime. The most recent Phantom Press edition shows all the promo codes that are no longer valid.

Phantom Press
The writers and I had a meeting last week to discuss a new layout for the Phantom Press, so I introduce the new Phantom Press layout. If you haven't checked it out yet, head over to the Dead City.

Coven warnings
I get quite a few blood letters from people saying they can't quit their coven. If I find covens are using CSS to block the quit button, CSS will be disabled! Please try and play by the rules and not be nuisance to players, thanks!

It's the weekend soon!



Anonymous said...

kewl look forward to waxing some werewolves :D

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the warning, Ash.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all you do for the game !!!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the info?

NemesisAlien said...

I got ROB cheat codes [smug]

Anonymous said...

It's been a while since I've played and I like that I can get game updates here. Without them I would be lost.

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