Friday, 20 May 2011

Charity packs updates & couple other small things

Reset updates
As you know, the hourly reset now takes place at 59 past to remove all lag from when top of hour occurs, which is working really well. Of course now there is a slight lag when people are getting updated at 59 past (which used to be on the top of hour). I have now also (for those who play late) moved the main reset 5 minutes before midnight. As this is was getting in the way of that midnight hourly reset kills too. This is of course only a semi-permanent solution. The resets will stay this way because the feedback has been so positive about it. I have ordered a full scale analysis of the servers, so we're working on making the resets happen with less lag. Although the lag doesn't get in the way of the battles anymore, I feel it can be a lot less laggy still. With the recent boost of activity and new players over the last month, this kind of came from nowhere, but we're working hard to keep things fast for you all. Don't move around too much on the cooldown, as its meant to be a cooldown. Just take it slow and wait for ToH :)

What's coming up
This big update I'm working I hope will be a huge success. Hopefully it'll be with us by the end of the month to start on the 1st June. When it's out, I'll be working my way through the suggestion forum again and get some features & updates done that you guys want :) So if you want to see something in RoB? Now is the best time to suggest it. Stay tuned.

Quest removal
"Gambats House" quest has been removed. Please remove them from your coven guides etc.

Motivation Summary
I've had a few people tell me their motivation isn't adding properly. Being a VIP member gets you 35 a day, but then if you buy VIP+ and not use that motivation, you'll still have 35 the next day. The help keep the resets quicker, your motivation is reset ONLY if it at 0 at midnight. So if you use your 35 motivation on the day you get VIP+, you'll get the 50 next reset. I have added this note to the FAQ.

Selling Charity packs?
To help boost charity pack revenue I am giving people who post any Charity pack trades in the forum free publicity on this next blog. After posting, send me a blood letter with the subject "charity trade" with the forum link & I'll post it here next time. This can include buying potion credits for other players.

Player Charity choice
So we've helped out ActionAid (Poverty), British Red Cross (Japan Appeal) and this month is Cancer Research. We want to help out loads more, so I'm giving you, the players, a chance to contribute to charities you'd like to the site to support. Click here for the forum thread discussion & terms.


Anonymous said...

very coool

Anonymous said...

Weres the chrome toolbar ash?

Anonymous said...

I think it is awesome that you read about our opinions and are doing game updates ... I'll be adding suggestions to the Forums .... ty for Fun RoB ... looking forward to MORE and BETTER in the future ........... Vladina

Anonymous said...

Chrome toolbar!!! :D Pretty please? *sniffs and bats eyes*

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