Monday, 22 November 2010
Promo code for downtime
It's always fun waking up to a Facebook page full of raging fans wanting their fix back. Now we're back, I thought I'd be nice enough to issue a promo code for some of the lost turns.
Code: novdowntime (Go to this page to use)
You have until Wednesday night to use it :)
Shouldn't be too long now to the new servers. Will update you when I know more.
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Thank you Ash. <3 Have a good morning bud.
Thanks Ash <3
woohoo were are back.. thanks for the code...
Thank you Ash! <3
Thank you Ash <3
Thanks <3
Thanks! i thought my computer had broke...:(
Yay for no breakages!
why wait when code works now?
Such a ham ash-y.. but you know what we need. Thanks luv.
I swear you just get on my last nerves these days. :p
Oh yea and don't be getting a big head. (I typed it like I wanted it said.)
Yeah, everyone was going nucking futz because they had to get of the internet for a few hours. Lazy asses. You're not really vampires, sunlight will not kill you. Lmao.
Oh yummy. Thanks ash
It's somewhat amusing, yet a bit embarrassing, to see all those people so p-o'ed that the site is down. Thanks for the promo code Ash.
Thanks hun :)
Thanks Ash for the code, i really freaked out at what happen last night. my friends that we used on xat freaked out as well. but thanks for letting us know.
need moe downtime <_< lots moe...
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