Friday, 2 January 2009

Do you love Google? Support RoB!

RoB is overpowering it's QuadCore 6GB RAM server... so there is only one thing to do. Attach another server. Never thought i'd see it to be honest, but it's amazing how the site has grown. And I'd like to thank all of you for that :)

As i said, i need to get another server to attach on to RoB to dedicate all the SQL to, and then run apache and all the other applications on this server. (Don't worry if you don't know what that means). I'm not going to announce how much it will cost... but it's quite a bit. I want to go for paying yearly, because you get extra discounts etc.

Now i'm not going to go throwing up more ads, increasing the price of VIP or any of that crap. But one thing i would to ask of you all, is to search Google through RoB. We get a small amount of commision for every click and search made to Google through us, i have added a link to this search bar in the stats box and at the bottom of the page with the facebook/myspace groups (join them if you have not already =P).

All i ask is for your support to search Google through RoB.

I've had a couple people come to me and say, "another server, you mean there is going to be like a server 1 and server 2? 2 different version of the games running?". No, i'm not doing that bollocks. It just means the hardware of 2 servers will work together to run the one game you are playing. You will notice no difference. Other than even faster page loads :)

Doing this decreases pages loads and prepares RoB for the growth of 2009.

Thank you for your support, and i hope 2009 goes well for all of you :)

(link to search bar:

**UPDATE**  The RoB toolbar search is not linked to the Google search, we don't get anything for you using the toolbar search bar, you must click the [ Search Google ] link as use that only. Got told about this and just wanted to clear it up :)


Unknown said...

Dark good idea! I must say your a great developer (better then chedburn if you know who that is) you pay attention to your game and have me addicted good job with google and the server.

Anonymous said...

^^What he said!

UnderPantGn0mes said...

Hey Ash is the goolge search bar in the blood bar cuz if so i use that daily and that will help out the site aswell

Anonymous said...

I agree with Rick!

Anonymous said...

You have my support Ash ;) Happy 2009!

Anonymous said...

Im on board! I think this is a great idea and Im happy to support the game!

DeviLaid said...

Hey.. darkash...
Sorry to suddenly ask u here.. out of no where...
Wondering.. why suddenly i cannot connect to the website?
did i did something to be block or something...
or is it coz a cousin of mine join in ROB thru mine comp...and she open hers, i log out, i log in, she log out.. and that get me block or such?? or is it my comp???
do u know?

Guildythewicked said...

Since someone else brought it up. me and 3 peeps can't get in either. Just wondering what's up.

DarkAsh said...

Still getting problems? Has been working fine for me all night...

Anonymous said...

Haven't been able to get on for hours. :(

Anonymous said...

theres a whole chat room full of us that cant log in >.>

Guildythewicked said...

Just tried again Ash. Still can't get in. :(

Anonymous said...

everthing is working fine for the people living in the UK, the folks from the States aren't so lucky

Anonymous said...

when you say it's overpowering the server, what does that mean exactly? like, the server can't support the number of people using it, or the amount of things its powering? Just wondering :)

Unknown said...

Can everyone get in now?

Anonymous said...

i think everything's ok now :]

Anonymous said...

I just found this game through google and I realy like it and the chat room I will always use your site when i need to google something just keep this game going... and when i can I'll get VIP membership.

Anonymous said...

Good idea. I understand you dont want to reveal any costs but putting up a kind of unmarked thermometer to tell our progress would be cool.

Anonymous said...

i agree with the wizard. perhaps a holiday celebration could be in order once said thermometer reaches it's cap? hmmm? just a suggest, but i applaud your move to offset the costs of the new server. ingenious i must say!

Tolkienlives said...

Onwards and Upwards as such

Anonymous said...

I've had a look.. And I Can't find wat u guys are on about..
I dont see reign of blood anywhere..??

Of cause support doesnt cost a fing and times many.. But It doesnt seem to be there..
Do u no wat Page its on after searching RoB..??

Will it be under the reign of blood website link
Like will your address be on d link as well,
so i no that am defo clicking onto your stuff like..??

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