Wednesday, 22 October 2008

New forum maybe?

I am having to create a new forum for someone, and i had the amazing idea of adding it into RoB. Why? Because it will be bug free (i.e: sticky threads not sticking, auto break problem etc). And it will look better and just be a general upgrade.

The only problem with it is, is that it would have to be a clean database. meaning all current posts will be lost...

There is a good and bad to most things. But as for the coven forums, i might keep the same as the amount of valuable guides etc in there.

let me know your thoughts by commenting this post or creating a thread in the forums.


Anonymous said...

I think it's a good idea, although I do think you should leave the coven forums alone.

Anonymous said...

new forums sound cool, but yea. don't mess with the coven forums without backing them up or something

Unknown said...

you should back some of the stuff up then do it that might help

Guildythewicked said...

Please keep the coven forums the same. Unless you let us make separate ones like in Main. :)

Anonymous said...

If there is a way to privatize coven forums, to coven members only, then, I think the coven leaders should create a trustworthy group of transferees, to carry over any threads that the coven agrees is of value, not an old thread taht isn't being used. Guides would obviously be transferred, as well as noobs guides, any coven organization, equipment loans, ranks, and such.... But things such as WAZZUP from September or something, a dead thread... Would be wasted to carry... Also, all necessary posts should be carried over.... The nice guide posts wouldn't be necessary...Only stuff of great content, like a deep review of the guide, or an edit or change in it...

Just an idea... Giving coven's a clean forum as well, would be a longrun benefit to both covens, and RoB in general...A lot of work as a community, but in the end, well worth it... In my opinion...


Anonymous said...

I agree - leave the coven forums alone - what if under each thread and post in small print it showed date and time, i hate reading something and not realizing it is 6 mths old - new layout looks great - all the little changes really add too - thanks for ur hard work!

Anonymous said...

I think if your going to do it then do it right. Which means wiping both the coven and main forums so they both can be upgraded. No sense in leaving an out dated forum. If there is anything such as guides and info then that leaders or members can easily copy what they need into a document and then re post it on the new forum. Though as I said when we talked, as long as the upgrade is worth it then I say go for it. Anything important can be saved.

†Nixdorf† said...
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†Nixdorf† said...

Clean the forums. I think a lot of them could do with a good scrubbing ^_^ - Warn us about 2 - 3 days before you update so coven can save important posts. Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Also make a clean forum for the coven. but at the same time leave the old coven forums for a certain period of time (like a month or so) so that coven staff might copy important topics. Maybe old coven forum should be read only, so that everyone is aware that it wont be there forever.

Anonymous said...

Clean 'em!Upgrade 'em!Gimme a new toy!=D

No,seriously...we need a major upgrade at the Forums.We keep them as clean and as organized as possible,but they do need a make over so that they could be easier used.And if we went from scratch...then it would be even better.As for the important threads,they can be copied by the Forum Mods and later imported manually into the new Forum :]

Anonymous said...

Can't rebuild the database?

Anonymous said...

i think that its a good and bad idea... there is alot of important things that are in the coven forums that shouldnt be messed with...if u do decide to delete them let the covens know :P we need to copy and paste the goodies

Anonymous said...

I would absolutely love to see a forum make-over. I've never been particularly fond of the format of the current ones.

Anonymous said...

Make the new forum and add the old forum as a different link.

Anonymous said...

a different link.Make the old for

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