Sunday, 12 March 2017

Coven Brawl & Return Of Wars

War Of Covens Restored

There is a muddy line between trying to find a solution to please people who want something new, but at the same time catering to the fact people don't like change. As you can imagine, that's a tough thing to try and do. Last week I announced a new War Of Coven system, and although the concept is really cool - people miss the wars, and I empathise with that. While I strive to create new things, new ways to interact with each other, and new ways to play the game, I don't always want to remove what was there before to do so, so the War Of Covens has been restored.

Starting from Monday 13th March, the previous War Of Covens system will be back simply as "Coven Wars", and part of the now 5 Coven Conflict lineup.

Coven War Tweaks

Even though I have restored the War Of Covens back to it's past glory, I have made a few changes to enhance them a little bit.

  • Top scoring covens of the whole week will be rewarded with extra coven exp
  • The top covens of the entire last week listed on coven war page
  • Game wide war day is back and will add to your final week's score
  • War Exp tweaked. Basic kills now pay +10 war exp to give room for expansion
  • First expansion will be war exp boosters if you've hit certain milestones today
  • Dedicated scoring page added when clicking on the war banners
  • Have given the coven wars page a new look

Coven Brawl

To make this transition as seamless as possible, I have manually ran the tally of this week's wars. You'll see in your coven news feed your prizes, and the winners on the new Coven Brawl page.

This new system I have created will be made into a new conflict category called Coven Brawls. Thank you to those who tested it over the last week and gave constructive feedback, there are some changes I have made going forward. Starting from Monday 13th March...

  • All war references are now replaced by Brawl. So it's Brawl Exp, Brawl Turns etc
  • Brawl turn total has been reduced to 1200, and per player maximum is 400
  • Brawls will have their own place on the Coven Conflict page, and left banner 
  • When allocating brawl turns, the news notification displays what day it's for
  • Extra hourly brawl double exp boost added for each player taking part
  • New pending brawl turns page to see what players have yet to use their turns
  • If a player does not login on the brawl day, the brawl turns can be reallocated
  • Individual player efforts now logged and viewable from the day after a brawl
  • Brawl exp totals added to the coven rankings page
  • The brawls count towards your coven token system total for the week

Along with this comes a brand new Coven Conflict control page layout, which is laid out and ready as I revisit the other conflict systems.

The Coven Conflict arena is made up of 5 different systems. Find which systems your coven excels at and power your way to the top. Covens that take part are rewarded with tokens, coven exp and much more.

I have once again created a new forum thread dedicated to the Coven Brawls, as well as a thread dedicated to the restoration and changes of the Coven Wars to get more feedback going forward.


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