Friday, 22 February 2013

Reign Of Blood Wristbands

Reign Of Blood Wristbands
I get blood letters all the time asking when I'll bring back Reign Of Blood merch. I had a Cafe-press site setup a while ago, but those sorts of things never work out very well. I hate not being able to control the quality of the items. Today, I'm taking a step forward bringing a few things back. I'm not going to be opening a full on merch store filling my office with hundreds of tshirts, but I'd like to be able to supply a few little things which are cool - like wristbands.

Over the last month or so I've been talking to a couple local companies in getting some stuff made, after looking at the selection, I thought wristbands are a good place to start. I've been wearing one for the last week or so, and even got a  "I know that site!" comment. The bands are really good quality (I didn't cheap out and getting the lowest price possible), they're embossed and inked.

I've added a new "merch" section on the BUY VIP/PLASMA page. Although only wristbands are available at the moment, if there are demands for other things, let me know, and I'll see what I can do. The price includes worldwide shipping. So the price you see is all it will cost you.

More information is available on the merch page, check it out and get yourself one.

February Competition Winners
Thank you to everyone who entered the competition this month. There were quite a few profiles to look through. A lot of talent out there. I managed to get it down to the top 7 that I've chosen for the plasma prizes, and they are:

DarkPrincess~Diluculo (242927)  & Crimson~D~Butterfly (350047)
Ashitaka Phuri Dae (620307)  & Rurouni David Phuri Dae (336590)
Till Death (155172) & do us part. (242932)
Snow White (376116) & Charming (387685)
Minnie Mouse (475595) & mickey mouse (523102) (call me bias)
Obsedion Isto Oreb (385275) & Dimok Isto (425016)
Jane Smith (197369) & John Smith (325489)

Thanks again for entering, and hope the winners enjoy their plasma.

New Quests
Some new rank 50 quests have been released this week, they include:

- Killtacular
- Killtacular II
- Killtacular III

Enjoy the weekend!


Anonymous said...

Great to see RoB merch back ... I'd like to vote for a coffee mug in the future, a bit more to ship, but I'd pay for it :-)

Nice new quests !!!

Anonymous said...

tshirts, coffee mugs, stickers buttons would be my ideas.

Anonymous said...

Staff bobbleheads. I will not back down on this.

Anonymous said...

Shot glasses!! There are too many drinkers on RoB to not give us a shot glass to flash around when we're having fun!

shardy said...

very good. i would like a shirt as well ...
yes i am buying it .. Ty ...

Mortiana SaDiablo said...

I don't wear things like wristbands but I would buy a t-shirt or hoodie. Also, staff -plushie- toys. Not bobbleheads. -k-

Anonymous said...

I like the Idea of Shot glasses & Coffee Mugs, I'd prefer a pullover sweater/Hoodie. :D

Anonymous said...

I love wristbands! Wear them all the time so one is definately on my 'to get' list. I'd recommend hoodies or even a selection of badges that could vary :)

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