600,000 signups!
We have hit the awesome milestone of 600,000 total signups! I never thought we'd hit 10,000, let alone 100,000 and then half a million! We're well on our way to a million signups and can't wait until we get there. Thanks everybody for playing! Promo code: 600k
Revisited: Daily Quests
The daily quests are used by so many players every single day, now I think it's time for a little shake up! Below are the listed changes to the daily quests:
[NEW] Quest Of the Day
Not to be confused with the Question Of The Day, the Quest Of the Day has 7 random tasks that change every day at the midnight reset (more can be added over time). The tasks can be anything from killing to collecting gems in the underground. I think this is a cool new exciting way to have at least one unknown task to complete each day. The Quest Of The Day will be named 'the random daily' on the quest log.
The QOTD daily quest has been removed. Due the 'lack of effort' required and the 1 in 4 chance of getting an extra reward as it is, seems just like a waste of space on the page, so it's been removed (plus I don't want to add to the confusion of the new quest of the day feature).
[UPDATE] 3 New Daily Quests Added
I've added 3 new daily quests into the mix, pet wins today, NPC credits used today, and money earned in Greenwood. Named: The Pet, The NPC's and The $earcher, respectively. This brings the list of daily quests to: The Random Daily, The Battle, The Battle II, The NPC's, The Hunt, The Feed, The $earcher, The Pet and The Voter.
[UPDATE] The 'Daily' Daily Quest Update
It would be insane to have a daily quest that meant you had to do ALL of the daily quests, because of the different locations you have to be in to earn the energy to do those tasks, would be impossible to do. So to make things a little more possible, you can choose to complete any 7 out of the 9 daily quests to earn the daily quest reward.Please post all bugs and feedback comments here (or comment this blog post. All numbers are subject to evaluation and change.
Question Of The Day
As noted above with the removal of the QOTD daily quest, as a compromise (because I'm such a nice guy), you all have a small chance to win a QP by getting the correct QOTD answer for that day for free!
Suicide stuff
There was a little bit of an uproar with a silent update I did a few weeks ago regarding the suicides which I forgot to mention before. It was just a routine security update to help fill some holes that people abuse, suicide being one of them. An alternative cap based feature that helps stop abuse was uploaded instead of the one that I actually wanted. I created two versions and uploaded the wrong one. Soon after noticing the forum thread I checked it out and uploaded the non-capped (more hidden) security feature. More recently it has been reported that the text on the suicide page indicated you could not fight again until the next hourly reset when you suicide, I have now rectified the text to make the feature more clear.
Double Points
Earn double points all weekend on all of our point offers. All 4 points companies are offering double points until Sunday night (game time). Points are great for earnings some free VIP and plasma, you can also sell points on the market, currently valued at around $30,000 each! These new companies also have really quick simple offers, like watching videos, it's really easy and a great way to earn some in-game stuff which costs you nothing.On a side note, I have had a few bls asking if I'm ever going to reset everyone back to rank 1 again, and i say, NEVER!
One more thing - You'll notice that across all the coven pages, equipment worth is now displayed next to the current weapon information :)
Enjoy the weekend :)
Could of easily fixed the QOTD reward about making to a reward for the correct answer as people have been requesting for years.
That's exactly what I've done... made it so you have a chance to get a QP when you get the correct answer :)
Oh no not the Underground ..... the horror !!!
Awesome work, Ash. It's good to see a game owner so involved in the operation and continuing evolution of their creation. <3
Ash...you rock!
Not the same kettle of fish as it has had a big change in reward and not just chance of reward.
Now what is the ratio itself?
The Random Daily
Jaymes:Find & kill the RoB-Bot (2)!
So at most 96 people get to complete this daily?
(1 kill every 15 minutes = 96 in a day max)
Under normal circumstances? Sure, & that's the idea. But remember the breakout spell :)
I guess I'm with Duke on the QotD Ash; not that getting a QP isn't awesome as it is; however, I too wonder what the ratio for that one is??? As to all the other updates ... kewl! :)
ALL the updates/new features are amazing, Ashie! Thank yooou!! <3
Actually I look forward to trying this before having either over the Moon positive or immediate negative comments. I never got any place near 1 out of 4 QOTD Dailies. One QP a month would probably be a big improvement for me ... lol ... Hey everyone it's axiomatic that you can't improve without changing :-)
Sounding great, love all these ideas u keep implementing. It's so nice when u add and change things as it keeps it interesting, and Ash, u always make them fun too!!!
big thumbs up from me :D
Congratulations on the 600K member mark :-)
now its time to update the coven owner quests.
owo add one for war exp and some others to help keep peeps active. <.< >.> meep
LOL, now people are going to be even more pissed when they don't like the QotD. That ONE time could've been when they got a QP.
I realize its a matter of personal choice but the pet quest only really benefits players that are going for the most kill putting those that go for highest rank at an unfair disadvantage as going for 300 pet kills when you only have a few worth killing will strategically weaken ones position.just putting it out there,do with it what you will.thanks
Whats going to happen with qotd quest and achievement
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