Monday, 23 April 2012

New family house feature

Calling all families... this blog is for you! This took a lot longer than I wanted it too, I kind of under-estimated what was needed, so I'm a few days later than I'd like to be with this, but here we go!

When the wars came out and a select amount of covens wanted to opt out of war, and there was a discussion about it. I of course would not allow covens to opt out of war, so as a compromise, I made it so you can pretty much ignore them if you don't want to take part. At that point there was also a discussion about a "non warring coven", which I was totally against because I didn't feel it was the right time for them as I had no idea what effect the wars would have on covens as a whole.  Recently, the idea has cropped up again, so I think it's time to give it a shot.

All vampires can now be part of a family house. (Up to 3 if you're VIP). A house is pretty much a watered down coven that doesn't effect game mechanics whatsoever. The features of houses are:

- 1 owner, the owner controls all aspects of the house
- Private chat & forum
- House name displayed on profile
- House member titles

House VIP
I know what you're thinking, but yes, there is house VIP. It  can be bought by any member of the house. The benefits of your house being VIP:

- Coloured house name on all lists and player profiles
- Coloured member titles

- HTML/CSS allowed on the apply and updates page
- Ability to add 2 extra staff members who can accept & kick

Houses do NOT replace covens, they're just "mini-covens" where people can be part of group without all the coven benefits like wars, equipment & stat boosts. Head to the Dead City and find houses under the "Coven" section (for now), or to find your houses, check the social panel. There will be no "rental" cost that was suggested (I'm nice like that), just a one off fee to create a house.

Bugs and suggestions
Thank you to everyone who reports bugs and comes up with ideas that helps the game get even better. I do read all forum threads. Just because I don't reply to some, doesn't mean I don't read them :)
I'm having a bit of dispute with MobileFirst at the moment, so I'm afraid we're no longer accepting payments through them. OneBip is still open for mobile payments, and we recommend OneBip anyway. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Calling all artists
Have you entered our April competition yet? If not, click here for all the juicy info.

QOTD Staff
Want to be part of our QOTD staff? Check out this thread.

This weekend
This weekend starting April 27th, you may want to clear some of that weekend free for some RoB time if you haven't already. Just a heads up :)

There will most probably be a few bugs in this as is adopted by many users instead of just in my personal test, so please post any bugs, comments or suggestion here.

Enjoy the week :)


Anonymous said...

Certainly sounds interesting.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Boudica Night Tigress said...

Way to go Ash!!! This is so exciting and I look forward to the way everything comes together!!! Thanks for implementing the Houses ... and so much more! ;)

Lady Julianne said...

Onebip doesn't work with Verizon Ash because I've tried to use it many times =/

Anonymous said...

Now I definitely like the idea of family houses. Great idea guys!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your work so we can keep having more fun !!!

Skyler Blackbourne said...

Html not working for me..

Anonymous said...

So,I might be fun and pretty but other than that its doesn't serve any purpose?

Anonymous said...

Do you have to leave your coven to join a house?

Shardy said...

sweeeet.. Ty Ash ..

Question : May we have a few nice things happen on the week days as well, for i work weekends.. :( ,,

..runs over to see the new Houses...


Galahad said...

Anniversary time...whoopeee...

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