Thanks to all the players
Thank you for logging into RoB today, and over the past year, thank you for reading this blog. Without you, RoB is nothing.Thanks to all the staff
Thanks to all the staff, the ACT, the mods, the QOTD, helpers, everyone for helping keep the site is line over the past year. Everyone should go fill their comments with thanks!Thanks to everyone for buying
Bought VIP, plasma, potion credits etc this year? Well THANK YOU. You keep this site running and allow me to continue making it better. I hope I continue to get the same support throughout 2012.As a thank you
As a small thank you, it's double turns and RAHP until SATURDAY NIGHT! That's pretty intense.December competition winner
You sure all think up good RoB - themed Christmas songs! The best one goes to ~Queen~Achtland~ (279430), the 2 other top songs go to Destiny Nostram (267488) and Lilah (545977). They get 10 Vampsant gifts each. Good effort! And thanks for everyone who entered.January competition
This months competition is to come up with an awesome idea for the upcoming Valentines day event here on RoB next month. Come up with the best idea for a valentines event and you could bag yourself 20 plasma!New awesome features next week. Can't wait!
'creep who won`t stop BL-ing meeee'. .. i bet this is inspired by Varj Nemeth :D
Great Song Winner !!! Love double turns AND RHAP
I seriously think that was not right, since that same themed song was running around on another site.. *Shakes head*
But, as for RoB itself, thank you for starting it.
Lol love that song!
Winning entry is just a copy of someone else-s work.. Not original, just copy & paste
Thanks, Ash, for the VampSant gifts and for all the work you put into the game!
Thanks Ash for creating a game that has not bored me to bits and has kept me coming back each day for more. Thanks for the holiday packs you do put up & all the new features. Over all thanks for a freaking AWESOME RPG!!!! <3's
haha at the first comment.. :P
thanks to ash for continuing to make this a game worth playing
Love it when people talk trash about another player here in the blogs but do it anonymously. Have balls! :D
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