Friday, 10 September 2010

2 days left of August competition, bug fixed, promo code & more

It's good to be back! Excited to get back into the motion making RoB better.

Earlier today I posted the results for the August competition, I had in fact realised that i said the 12th end date not the 10th. All prizes to the 3 winners have been recalled. Sorry! In 2 days time i will announce the winners again with any changes to better videos being submitted in the next couple days.

If you don't get know about it, click here for information and entry details. There are not many submissions, and I still have to choose 3 winners!

Moving on, there has been a lingering $0 equipment bug. What I've done instead of manually updating all the effected equipment, I've made it so that if the reselling value of any equipment is $0 it will shows as half the cost price as the reselling value. (Prices may vary if you buy a weapon bought from a VIP member buying equipment at VIP prices because of discounts).

Couple changes to 2 current features coming soon, one you'll like, one you probably won't like as much.

P.S. Use promo code ASHISBACK from some free goodies!



Anonymous said...

lol thats good

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

one we'll like... one 'not as much', eh?
.....uh huh

Rose Dove Pierce said...


Gabriella DeathWish said...

one of the voting portals wouldnt work for me one down on my far its been the only one and i did go back and try it again but it wouldnt load. just thought I would say something in case.
And can't wait or the new upcoming shtuff...woot!:)

Anonymous said...

noob here. where do I use the promo code? thanks in advance...

Anonymous said...

that's seriously not cool to recall the prizes you said they'd already won

Anonymous said...

It says the promo code doesnt exist.... o_O

"Promo Codes

That code does not exist, please try again."

Airis said...

a little late for the 0$ reselling bug fix but i'll live

Anonymous said...

Ash is very shady folks. Haven't you learned that? He caters to his friends.. I'm sure one of his buddies said "bah, ash, I can do better then those vids, push the date up so I can get enough time to make my own and I'll take the prize" and Ash, being the shady character that he is, recalls the prizes and does what his lil friends want. Just like editing of marriage days, feeding plasma to names that won't be mentioned.. He gets worse and worse as days go by.. It's a shame really.

Laila Euthenia said...

-Towards the post above mine- You must be a noob.. either that or you are a complete arse.. either one. You obviously don't how how things work. The comp was to end on the 12th, therefore it's only fair to end it on the 12th, not before. Keep your ill minded thoughts to yourself. No one wants to hear them. Ash does a lot of stuff for the players who play this game, plus he has to put up with all of our bullshit. He is pretty damn fair in what he does. And if not.. who bloody cares, suck it up and stop being a bunch of over grown princesses and stop bickering and saying shit about him.

-As for the changes- Eh.. we'll get over the one we're not suppose to like.. and yay for the one we will like.

Kitty Kat said...

When do we get to hear bout the changes??

Unknown said...

n why doez thiz matter?....

DarkAsh said...

I love it when people Anonymously try and bash me/RoB.

Anonymous said...

Ash.. You bash yourself with your actions.. People don't really have to do it for you.. The above poster is right.. It is a very unfair community you run with favortism.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Ash is spots girly man!

Rez said...

Couldn't this be made so that there is no option for anonymous posting? It's too easy for the lamers when they can hide behind anonymity.

Anonymous said...

Never understood why there is anonymous either.

Varj said...

Oh well.. It is what it is, I guess... At any rate, keep the changes coming, I say! Good or bad, it's why we buy plasma to help support said changes.. We take the good WITH the bad and learn from trial and error!

ian said...


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