Good Afternoon,
With the July competition, I was going to launch it half way through July (around now) and make it last through August too. So the competition has changed to "Augusts Competition", which I will release on the beginning of August. So here are the winners:
Morganika Bellator (93008)
CorpseCollectorLukasCytes (189598)
Lord Arucard BlackAdder (40911)
You guys will get your prizes soon. If you're really interested in what they suggested, you can go to the forum post & read up on them. On the 1st August Morganika's competition idea will be put in place.
Then I thought to myself, what about the rest of July? Well Aftershock "Spot" came up with the idea of "A competition to see who can do something the most, but don`t tell people what it is that they have to do...". Now that sounds like a giggle. So you have until 1st August to do something that you don't know what you have to do, whoever does it the most will win!
Here is the prize breakdown:
1st - 50 Plasma
2nd - 25 plasma
3rd- 10 plasma
Go wild :)
Thanks to everyone who submitted ideas :)
As for the coven relics, you now should have the correct amount refunded to your coven. The life boost has been removed and you have 7 days (yes only 7 days) to use those relics for FREE. If you don't use them in 7 days, you'll have to pay the full price to use them again. Coven owners go to the relic shop on the coven page for more information. I have also reduced the relic costs from $1000xlevel to $800xlevel & all stats are the same price. Going to have to start encouraging your members who are fighting more in the wars earning more money to donate more eh? ;)
No updates on the coven wars yet :)
Stay tuned.
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
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I don't like it. One of the main reasons many new players join the covens is for the added life boosts. You start new players out at a measly 100 life. Which doesn't give them much protection. The life boosts of the covens helped them some in their battles.
Now essentially you are saying tough shit you're on your own. By forcing them to rank up constantly in order to earn AP to simply increase their life boosts.
At the same time its also saying that they are having to either buy AP at the market place or spend RL cash on plasma to increase their health. I gave my suggestion to you. ToH lag maybe removed yet in the end you will have all of pissed off people!
You really should have thought this one through Ashley. You really really should have thought this through. I can see allot of people throwing in the towel on this one. I know for one intend to take a long needed break.
Every update will be disliked by some people. Unfortunately for this case the majority of people just wanted it removed, but I tried to be nice to those who wanted it and tried to create a separate solution, it was not possible, so I've gone with refunding the relics.
Having the game run faster is much more important.
the whole not knowing what to do comp is realy frusterating cant we get some kind of clue
cool Thanks Ash. Congrats to the winners :)
I like Spots idea and please no clues, also thanks for sorting out the relics.
i still dont see any relics the coven i'm in hasent gotten there relics back
Thank you very much for the prizes. I am glad you liked my idea.
not sure about this idea butI guess it helps ppl to fit more and be more active..
Congratz to the winners. ^^
i like pie....
I believe the life situation will work out a little bit better than some people think it will. Whereas I can see where Shadow Cat is coming from, with the new members needed the assistance in life and all. You have to factor in the added bonus of those relics being used for the other stats, which lessen the chances of dying in battle just like more life did. All in all, the lag was a huge issue for people and it's best to make the game run more smoothly than have a lot of tiny little add on to things. If people want more life, there are a few different ways to get the life. It just means you'll have to actually participate in the game a lot more, whether by battling with some of those turns and not only training, or doing more Quests and opening yourself up to a little more work. That is pretty much the gist of it. The participation in the game should increase, especially with the new members, giving them a little something more to strive for instead of handing them (for example) +600 life right off the bat. Cut backs must be made to better the game, you can't always keep adding stuff to it and think it's going to run better. Sometimes simpler is better than more complex. This is of course, merely my opinion.
Agreed Eden.
I like the comp idea. A bit of mystery & gets people doing 'things'. Nice idea.
I can't say I've noticed any difference in lag, or lack of, since the life has been removed though.
Ash. You need to listen to your veteran players. They seem to be the ones upset by this. Even people in my own coven are. The noobs are the ones who like the ideas because they haven't been around long enough to know otherwise. Kinda like myself.
Hey, how about you STFU and if you don't like what Ash does, STOP PLAYING and STOP BITCHING. He is god on this game, now let him play it. Sit down with the rest of the newbies or piss off. He can't please everyone, especially the little annoying twats like you who cry about it all. So what is Staff members won, it just goes to show that he picked them well, as they obviously have good ideas.
I cant help that a staff member came up with the best idea. The other 2 aren't staff. The end of the day, they may be staff, but they're still players, like you.
Lag is still happening during TOH massive kills for me. It was better today but the real test will be during the wars when many are killing at the same time.
Coven Life was somewhat of an illusion anyway because when I really needed it, at TOH, it was not refreshing fast enough to be of any use.
An increase in strength and tough will be helpful since the shield did not work.
and I like the mystery comp idea
Alu isn't even the game anymore. What's he going to do with that plasma?
Never thought I'd say this, but I agree with Shadow Cat. The new members are going to be swamped with all your new bullshit and not know what the hell to do first - Obviously the basic necessities are killing OR training. Killing with 100 life? Stupid. And all that time to rank to get only 30 added to it? WTG on finding a solution to getting more money. (y).
And Twizz, man you kiss ass. Which I guess isn't new to you, considering your past, so maybe YOU should STFU for your own good. Unless you want to dig your own grave, go right ahead.
wow such charming words I read here :P
ok lets take me as an example im 24, not so strong, since being active I almost only train, together with the coven life I can kinda manage so far. now its gone, im screwed.
Im in a big coven, and like many changes made recently the big covens suffer most. Those who now have lost say like 100 life, they will survive, I lost 500 life...Im fucked ....
I wonder if the goal of this stupid change was to reduce lag, or to get more to donate to get more life etc..
I was considering donating again but now Im not so sure.I do not react well when im pushed into a corner.
well go push yourself off of a cliff. Kthnxbai
I can see where almost everyone is coming from. Taking away the life boost was a big blow for a lot of us including myself. I also don't see the difference with the lag since mines hardly ever does lag but that is only my opinion. I do like however that Ash took the time to give the relics back so that we didn't lose everything. For those of you that still have complaints please take it up somewhere else to vent since this is not the place to throw little girl tantrums.
Here's my two cents worth, rules are rules, those that cant work in side the lines. will always have something to say.
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