Thursday, 14 January 2010

300,000 total signups & more points information

Another awesome milestone, 300,000 total signups! I remember not long ago we were celebrating 100,000. To collect a small celebratory prize, head over to the promo page and put in "300k".

Regarding the points - i see that people are getting into the habit of trading some off, which is good to see. When i opened the market I saw people post them at ridiculous prices...and they sold. They've kinda leveled out now though.

As for the game cards - I am waiting on the contracts for the stores i announced in a previous blog, everything seems to be going okay with these guys. As for the company who have cards in Walmart may not be possible to get until later on in the year, I need to have a talk with my accountant (they're being shitty with how Hales Bytes is registered in the UK to be accepted).

The newwwwwwwww big sexy update is well on its way and will be with your shortly, need to do a lot of testing but hopefully it'll change the economy for the good.



Blood Shard said...

WOW,,Agreat many players,,
*smiles* Thank you for the prize,,nice,,
Every thing is wonderful Ash,,
Your very smart,,
Thank you again,,*smiles*

Dyeles Von Esc said...

As new as I am, I can tell that this is an impressive Achievement, congrats to you and to all the "people" that are making it possible.

Blood to All.

Anonymous said...

now that wasnt me

Bloodlust said...

The point 300k have shown interest is the topic here, "anon" typical if you want to mouth off at least tell us who u r so we can defend ourselves. Great game Ash u done good:)

DarkAsh said...

nearly 4 years of trial and error marketing and SEO. I was a kid when this started. Playing stay % is going up each day now.

Bella Darkstar Arcana said...

congrats on such a successful game! thank you!

SlayerXIII_Boudiccas_Line said...

Cibgratulations on the 300k! And the extra goodie. :) Well done Ash ... keep the good stuff rolling and don't let stinky ole Wal-Mart get you down. They'er jerks with everyone! *hehe*

Unknown said...

Thanks for the treat. I think it's cool that there is 300,000 players on ROB. More people to talk to. lol and kill. great job Ash.

Jeffrey said...

Ash congrats!
Lets make babies <3

Anonymous said...

i guess 300k is with the multi accounts created ?

Anonymous said...

+ the top 5 players in the referall list look like bug abusers to me

DarkAsh said...

Nope, the referrals are legit.

Anonymous said...

Congrats and thx Ash!


Anonymous said...

You know what would be cool...

If you added the things that are said when you commit suicide.

It would be nice to see more.
Some of those are really humorous.

Guildythewicked said...

Congrats Ash.

Anonymous said...

this is gonna sound very nooby but how do i check out the promo page

DarkAsh said...

home >> promo code

Adrian said...

And now your up to a solid 400k. Congrats me boy, their herding up like sheep in the fold. Very fun sheep in most instances.

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